Friday, August 27, 2021

A sweet story

This week in Lockdown T1 did a slide of a sweet story. What we had to do was make up a story and in the scentence we can put a chocolate bar or a lolly packet photo name in the scentence this is mine.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Halloween cinquain

Swimming Poster

Baseball Poster

Last teerm in term 2 in the Liabary we had to make a poster of olympic sporrts this is mine

Friday, August 6, 2021

Egg activity


Today Mrs Costello showed us this activity that we had to do envollving a egg. What we had to do was get in a group of 4 my group was me Liam Oliver and Lucas then grab 1 of each item like balloon cardbored straw toothpick black phome and bubble wrap and make it sarounding the egg and put the egg inside what we made and make it for 30 minutes. Then we had supersnack and then played a game and had to go to assebly in the haul. Then we grabed our crafts in class and 1 member of each of the groups which was Liam
in my group had to drop it of the big fort and try not to break the egg. And if we didn't break the egg Mrs Costello gave us 3 chocolate fishes and 4 lollys and at the end of the day we might get lollypops this is the egg activity. 

Vampire Diamante

This week in Totara 1 we have been doing Diamates. I choosed to do about Vampire this is my work.