Friday, November 5, 2021

Snack attack

This week T1 had to do a Snack attack pre viewing activity. What we had to do was make a copy and see our opinion of what they think, View this is my work.

Debate the ridiculous.

This week in T1 we had to do Debate the ridiculous. What we had to do was put some are thoughts of sterio typing like it could be emotions, Jobs, Smart, Colours anything this is my work.

Friday, October 29, 2021

What happend in 1947 Grandparent's day work.

Last friday was grandparents day and T1 we had to do lots of grandparent's work like diamante poems and more. 1 Of them was pick 1 grandparent Nana or granddad i chose my grandad David some people call him Koro and some people call him Cookie. and we had to use a sight thhat tells you what happened in that year you chose i chose 1947 because my Grandad was born in 1947 this is my work.

Deantures of the deep teeth comic.

Last week we learned about deantures of the deep. What we had to do was make a copy of the work that was based on deantures of the deep this is my work.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Should zoo animals be in the circus?


This week in T1 we had to make a google doc about should zoo animals be in the circus and write what was are thought about it. i choosed No This is my work.

Should kids have or not have homework?

This week T1 had to make a google doc saying if children should or shouldn't have homework. I choosed No because it is boring. this is my work.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Kai e pai ana ahau food I like

This week T1 had to make a slide of the foods we like. My work is like a mix between a animation and foods that I like and Don't like but we had to write it in maori. this is my work...

My poetry anthology

Before Lockdown at school T1 had to make a slide called Poetry anthology. What we had to do was make our own slide of poems we have done like Cinquin's, Acrostic poems and other kind of poems. i finished mine during lockdown this is My work.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Elephant toy

Aout a week ago i saw the neibours elephant toy and a domino's sign on the ground and i chose this work on the T1 choice board this is my work.

Bird origami i made

On the wk 6 choice board i chose to do the origami and i choosed a bird because this year in term 1 at tech i was put in woodwork and we made a bird house this is my work

Friday, August 27, 2021

A sweet story

This week in Lockdown T1 did a slide of a sweet story. What we had to do was make up a story and in the scentence we can put a chocolate bar or a lolly packet photo name in the scentence this is mine.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Halloween cinquain

Swimming Poster

Baseball Poster

Last teerm in term 2 in the Liabary we had to make a poster of olympic sporrts this is mine

Friday, August 6, 2021

Egg activity


Today Mrs Costello showed us this activity that we had to do envollving a egg. What we had to do was get in a group of 4 my group was me Liam Oliver and Lucas then grab 1 of each item like balloon cardbored straw toothpick black phome and bubble wrap and make it sarounding the egg and put the egg inside what we made and make it for 30 minutes. Then we had supersnack and then played a game and had to go to assebly in the haul. Then we grabed our crafts in class and 1 member of each of the groups which was Liam
in my group had to drop it of the big fort and try not to break the egg. And if we didn't break the egg Mrs Costello gave us 3 chocolate fishes and 4 lollys and at the end of the day we might get lollypops this is the egg activity. 

Vampire Diamante

This week in Totara 1 we have been doing Diamates. I choosed to do about Vampire this is my work.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Friday, June 18, 2021

Jean Batten

In T1 we have been learning about Jean Batten.

Ladybird Ladybird

When we were in Te Hiringa we had to make a slide of Ladybird Ladybird

Geothermal energy

In T1 we have been learning about Geothermal Energy

Friday, June 11, 2021

How to make a nuttela toastie

In T1 we have been making a google doc of how to make your favourite thing i choosed a nutella toastie this is mine.


Friday, May 21, 2021

How to make compost

about 2 weeks ago te hiringa had to make a google doc of how to make compost step by step this is my work of how to make compost step by step.


My holiday at the warehouse

On the first day of going back to school from the holidays we had to make a google drawing of where we went on the holidays this is what i made

Things you can and can't compost

About 2 or 3 weeks ago  te hiringa learned about compost and we had to do a google drawing of what you can and can't compost