Wednesday, July 31, 2019

green zone


we  have been doing green zones  here  is mine


  1. Kia ora Xalia, I'm Amelia from Yaldhurst Model School.

    I liked the way you had some words you might be feeling when you're in the green zone.

    You remind me of when we did matariki paintings. Don't ask me, I have no idea why. Its weird but it just reminds me of that, okay.

    This blog post is really good but to make it even more amazing you could add some more writing.

    How did you do the glowing words?


    -Amelia 😉

  2. Kia ora Xalia, I'm Delilah from Yaldhurst Model School.

    I liked the way you had some words you might be feeling when you're in the green zone.

    You remind me of when we did matariki paintings. Don't ask me, I have no idea why. Its weird but it just reminds me of that, okay.

    This blog post is really good but to make it even more amazing you could add some more writing.

    How did you do the glowing words?


    -Delilah 😉


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.